The Soda Shop was the first portion of the old Higginbotham Building to be completed.
The Revitalize Board heard about Soda Shop items that were for sale in the area and began working toward completing that portion of the building to help with the renovation of the rest. The Soda Shop opened ______________.

The Soda Shop treats are made with only the best products, Blue Bell Ice Cream, Dublin Drinks and local Volleman Milk.
The Soda Shop operates under the Revitalize Comanche 501c3 umbrella and has one paid staff and many volunteers. During the prime time The Soda Shop is open on Sundays staffed by local youth and church groups which split the proceeds providing youth groups extra money for activities.
Students also earn volunteer time needed for school and local high school seniors have earned scholarships for college.

Email: sodashop@sodashopcomanche.com
Address: 109 N Houston ST Comanche, TX